Terms and conditions


  1. Object of the online contract and its definition

    By "online" sales contract we mean the distance contract and that is the legal transaction concerning movable goods and/or services stipulated between a supplier, TAKE CARE SRL (manager of the ATIPICI website at the url: www.atipicishop.com ) with headquarters in Via P.Micca 2 10121 Turin, Italy - VAT no. 12106080018 - and a consumer who is a customer as part of a remote sales system organized by the supplier who, for this contract, uses the remote communication technology called "Internet". All contracts, therefore, will be concluded directly through access by the consumer customer to the website corresponding to the address: http://www.atipicishop.com, following the indicated procedures, he will conclude the contract for the purchase of the good. By final consumer we mean the natural person who purchases goods and services for purposes not directly related to any professional activity carried out. Below are the conditions of sale which will remain effective until changed by the supplier. Any changes to the conditions of sale will be effective from the moment they are published on the website and will refer to sales made from that moment onwards.

  2. Sales prices and purchase methods

    All sales prices of the services displayed and indicated on the website, for which they constitute an offer to the public pursuant to art. 1336 cc, are inclusive of VAT and all other taxes (unless otherwise indicated). Where applicable, a transport cost is duly highlighted on the appropriate page within the site which the customer will take care to view before confirming the purchase; in the case of delivery abroad, any additional costs due to taxes or duties provided for by the legislation in force in the country of destination will be borne by the consumer. The purchase contract is finalized through the exact compilation and the consent to the purchase expressed through the "online" subscription. The customer can pay for the ordered goods using only the payment methods indicated online at the time of purchase and within 7 days from the date of creation of the online order.

  3. Buyer's obligations

    The consumer undertakes and undertakes, once the "online" purchase procedure has been completed, to print and keep these general conditions, which, moreover, he will have already viewed and accepted as an obligatory step in the purchase, as well as the specifications of the product being purchased, in order to fully satisfy the condition set out in the articles. 3 and 4 of the Decree. Legislative n° 185/1999. The buyer is strictly prohibited from entering false, and/or invented, and/or imaginary data in the registration procedure necessary to activate the process for the execution of this contract and the related further communications; the personal data and the e-mail must be exclusively your real personal data and not those of third parties, or fictitious. It is expressly forbidden to make double registrations corresponding to a single person or enter data of third parties. The Atipici Suite reserves the right to legally prosecute any violation and abuse, in the interest and for the protection of all consumers.

  4. Contractual termination and express termination clause

    TAKE CARE SRL has the right to terminate the stipulated contract by simply communicating this to the customer with adequate and justified reasons; in this case the customer will only have the right to a refund of any sum already assumed and paid.

  5. Jurisdiction and competent court

    Any dispute relating to the application, execution, interpretation and violation of purchase contracts stipulated "online" through the www.atipicishop.com website is subject to Italian jurisdiction; these general conditions refer, although not expressly provided therein, to the combined provisions of Legislative Decree no. 50 of 15.1.1992 and Legislative Decree no. 185 of 22.5.1999. For any dispute between the parties regarding this contract, the Court of residence of the Customer or elective domicile of the final consumer will be competent (Art. 1469 Bis N° 19). For all the others the Turin court.

For more information, please contact our Customer Support.